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How to boost visitors to websites ?

I am not an expert or something, will share only practical tips that work for me.

How to boost visitors to websites

I am not an expert or something, will share only practical tips that work for me.

Firstly, I will share details about me. I am a bootstrap founder, meaning that I don't spend money on marketing or sales. Because I don't have money for that right now, and trying to use all ways to maximize my efforts.

People really want simple things that solve their problems.

Because of that you don't need to sell them something, but what they really need is to see that your solution can help them. You can do it in different ways, beginning with targeting ads or setting up Google Ads. But it will be another story.

Let's start.

1. Understand where hanging out your ideal customer is.

For my cases it is X, Reddit, and LinkedIn. You need to start posting content related to your niche and product. In the beginning, focus on niche as long as you can. Because all you need is to understand their problems and improve on each request.

2. Give your perfect customer a free trial or free usage.

Don't ask anything upfront. Just give them and be around. If they have any questions or ideas, write them down immediately. Try to document everything they say. You can analyze it later. After giving free usage or a free trial. Write them a personalized email or message, could they give feedback or review (ONLY AFTER USING YOUR APP, AND AUTHORIZATION). If they don't want to give, no problem, don't do anything, don't be rude, don't take away his/her usage. LET IT BE. A lot of people, especially in the beginning who are ready to give their time to your product, will be your best friends. All you really need to do is ask. 80% of them will give you what you want.

3. After understanding your ideal customer and getting at least 50-100 ideas/reviews/feedback from free users, you need to find general and common problems.

Take them and work, work, work on it. After getting it done. Go to the next step.

4. You are ready to launch.

Submit to directories as your product category. Write SEO articles from day one based on your website content (do it each day). If there is a need for free tools on the same topic as you do, you need to build them under different pages. For example, if you do wealth planning, it is good to have a wealth calculator. Don't build it blindly. Go to Google Keywords and analyze trends and keywords that people are searching for. It is your juicy traffic.

5. If you are doing B2B business, you need to generate a lot of cold emails.

If you are doing B2C, you need to generate a lot of short videos on Youtube, TikTok, and Instagram, and ideally to generate content on platforms like Reddit and X.