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Marketing is a fuel to make money as engineer

I am an engineer myself, graduated from a technical university, launched more than 30+ products, always in build mode, but there is one key component that is missing - MARKETING.

Marketing is a fuel to make money as engineer

I am an engineer myself, graduated from a technical university, launched more than 30+ products, always in build mode, but there is one key component that is missing - MARKETING.

Why ? I know that feeling, even now struggle with it. Because when you build something from nothing. It is like drug. You are getting pumped like after a gym session. You feel like a god.

Don't be misunderstood, it is one of the greatest feelings after SEX.

You feel a lot of power. When I do marketing I don't feel that way. It feels like a useless thing. No response, no answers, no results, NOTHING. I promise you, one more time, one more attempt, one more chance.

It will be worth it.

Because without marketing there are no sales. There is no money, there are no customers, there is nothing, and there is no food on the table. You can have a new Facebook in your pocket. But without marketing it is NOTHING. Because people won't find you. They won't know about your solution. They won't care.

Marketing is not lying.

Marketing is not selling. Marketing is not a pyramid schema. Marketing is like finding a wife for your whole life. You are trying to find the best woman that is perfect for you. She knows you better than any woman in your life. She will be by your side in any situation. She will help you get through. She will be here when you need her the most.

It is what it is.

Do marketing. Not selling. Find your best customer and suggest your solution. Make them run for you. They will feel happy. They will stand in line. They will wait even if you are not ready. They will wait for you.